Tune in for our next Operations Monthly LIVE March 11th at 11 AM CST on "Creating Your Unique Selling Proposition"
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How much money are you leaving on the table by not having your operations in order?

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Improve profitability and solve body shop chaos! 

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Start working ON your business for just $79 a month.

No contracts! If it's not for you, cancel anytime.


Take the trial-and-error out of the body shop with real-world operations & management training!

  1. Online, interactive training for independent collision repair leaders.
  2. Management tools to help take the training from the classroom to the shop floor.
  3. Support from Dave Luehr to make things happen!
  4. Network with other body shop leaders – discover what works in their shops!
  5. Immediate access to over 60 hours of recorded training plus downloadable tools.

Attend LIVE on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 11 AM CST.

Randy Sattler

“We have found Dave Luehr’s Operations Monthly LIVE to be a great source of advice and recommendations on what we need to be doing to help keep myself and our staff on track for success! Today’s collision industry landscape is changing almost daily and we need a source like Operations  Monthly LIVE to help with staying focused on daily things that are sometimes easily forgotten about. Thanks, Dave!”

– Randy Sattler, Rydell Cars in Grand Forks, ND –

Online, Interactive Training

Continuing education is simple for the busy body shop leader! One hour training accessible from computer, phone or tablet. 

More importantly, the topics are determined by the needs of our OML members. Previous training topics include... 

  • Scheduling Repairs for Maximum Profit
  • Employee Engagement
  • Production Management 101
  • Setting Up a Successful Blueprinting Operation
  • Creating Effective SOP's

There are over 60 hours of recorded training in the OML member library for repeated access and application!

OML Library
Elite Bonus Tool

Application Tools & Strategies

Have you ever gotten excited about the ideas during a training, but had no idea how to apply it back at the shop?

Excitement about improving your business is great. But excitement with the knowledge to become action is where the value lies!

Every Operations Monthly LIVECAST includes real-world strategies to apply the training. And, where applicable, additional tools to make that application even simpler! 

For example, during 'Bonus Plans that Motivate', Dave Luehr shared a downloadable bonus tool spreadsheet. This tool (and all of the others) is still accessible for OML members in their permanent library! 

Support & Networking

Even with the most in-depth training, it helps to get advice to make things work for our specific circumstances!

Not only does Dave remain as long as necessary after the LIVECAST to answer questions, he is also available to members via email or the private OML Facebook group.

And Dave is not the only support and advice available to members! Members can also stay after the training to ask and answer EACH OTHERS questions. The energy and value in this idea sharing is incredible! 


Tom Bissonnette

"One of the high points for me at our last Operations Monthly LIVE was the meeting after the meeting! Don’t get me wrong, Dave’s an awesome communicator and I got lots of great info in the formal meeting. Once Dave finished training, we had an open line Q&A session that was absolutely terrific! Great sharing of administration ideas from some very savvy shop owners that was very useful and appreciated. Thanks again Dave for making this resource available – every shop needs to experience an OML event!!"

– Tom Bissonnette, Director of SAAR (Saskatchewan Association of Automotive Repairers), Owner of Parr Auto Body –

The TRUE Value?

If you take 1 hour a month to learn strategies for your business... 
Where will you be in 3 months? 6 months? A year? 
Invest Now and Grow Your Business
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What is included?

LIVE, world-class operations and management training every month direct to your computer (or phone!). Each training goes beyond 'theory'! Get real-world applications and implementation techniques for your shop.

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LIVE Monthly Interactive Training

that includes real world application and implementation strategies.

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Instant Access 

to a library of training with tools, forms and support documents. Over 60 hours of valuable content at your fingertips!

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Downloadable Tools

to help you implement the training.

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Written Support Documents

to help you build a unique strategy for your business.

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An Exclusive Online Community

of fellow high-performers to learn from and be inspired by!

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Access to Dave & the Elite Team

to get all of your questions answered!

Invest Now in Proactive Business Growth

Operations Monthly LIVE FAQ's

Get to Know Dave Luehr

Collision Repair Industry Expert, Keynote Speaker, Author of The Secrets of America’s Greatest Body Shops, Co-founder of BodyShop Toolbox

Dave Luehr lives to help others discover their limitless potential. His journey of both successes and failures began over thirty-five years ago as an enthusiastic teenager who loved cars and auto body shops. Discovering his passion for entrepreneurialism, he started his first million-dollar business with only a one-hundred-dollar bill and a paint gun, only to lose everything a few short years later.

Dave’s inspirational journey back to the top included working in leadership positions for many of America’s leading collision repairers as an operational expert and collision process engineer. Now as the founder of Elite Body Shop Solutions, a popular keynote speaker and author of The Secrets of America’s Greatest Body Shops, Dave inspires an international audience helping thousands improve their businesses and quality of life.

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